25 miles surrounding Bangor
Member of Coal Advisory Service
35 Years In Chimney Cleaning Business
Noel Jamison
Office: 35 Bloomfield Road, Bangor,
Co. Down, Northern Ireland,
United Kingdom, BT20 4UN
Drop us an email
With 35 years experience in the area we provide a fully insured, clean, reliable and friendly service. Using both traditional and modern methods we have a large satisfied customer base and references are available upon request.
We provide competitive rates where there are more than One or more chimneys in one locality. Other services provided(rates vary depending on requirements):
Carbon Monoxide - Choked Chimneys and Stove Flues are an important cause of CO as it can hamper the proper exit flow off CO from the chimney resulting an increase to CO hazardous level in a home so it becomes a necessity in cleaning of flues and chimneys thereby making your home much safer and protected
Fuel Efficiency - If the chimney is kept well cleaned then the fire burns more efficiently and glows brighter
Cresote and Tar Build Up Formation - Diminished Fire Flares with less heat generation generally occurs due to wet or poor fuel which in turn results to formation of creosote and tar thus leading to blocked flues or chimney fires
Fire Preventation - Cleansing the chimney on and often can protect chimney fires as otherwise it becomes potentially unsafe and at times expensive too